Saturday, July 31, 2010

Girls Camp 2010

Kaley and Madi went to girls camp!!
This was Kaley's 6th year and Madi's 3rd.
For some reason, my girls love to camp!
Me... not so much.
Kaley went as a YCL again. This was her 2nd year doing that.
She really loves to be around the girls and get to know them and love them.
We didn't know if Madi would be able to make it this year
because of her back surgery.
She didn't decide until 2 days before.
She was so excited to go!!
I was so grateful she felt well enough to go.
But I was nervous wreck.
but she did a great job and had an amazing time!
The theme this year was
"Courage to Stand"
It takes a lot of courage for these young women to stand up for what they believe in.
To be strong and courageous in a world that is throwing things at them from all directions.
I was lucky enough to be able to go up for the day with mike and the other members of the bishopric and their wives for bishop's day.
What a neat experience!
During our ward testimony meeting with the girls, our Bishop said something that really stuck with me. He told them that they could either courageously stand or cowardly sit.
I have thought about that often since then and wondered which of those I do more.
It has made me reevaluate things. I am striving to be more courageous!!
I am so thankful for the Young Women's program!! I am so thankful for all the leaders that help my girls to be strong, faithful and courageous in the gospel.
I have a testimony of this program. I Love it!
Madi getting on the bus!

Kaley, heading out!

Me with my girls!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

One Month

It's been exactly one month since Madilyn had her surgery.
She still has some recovering to do.
But for the most part she is doing great!
She still can't stand or walk for long periods of time.
She still needs her pillow for comfort.
Her right shoulder continues to bother her,
but we truly are grateful for how well she has healed.
The body is an amazing miracle!
Her incision looks so good!
(as far as incisions go)
The doctor told me it would be really thin.
I just couldn't imagine how that would be.
But it truly is!
It's super long, but it is straight and thin.
Soon we will start applying some topical stuff
to it to help it hopefully disappear!
The summer has been rather hard and boring for her.
I feel bad.
We are still up at the cabin, but she is still limited on what she can do.
There's only about a month left of summer.
We'll just have to chalk this summer up to a good old lesson
of being patient while going through trials.
Doesn't that sound like so much fun?!!!
Oh well. Life is good.
I know this will be something we will always look back on
and reflect on.
Some things I am so thankful for that has happened during this summer with Madi...
Spending so much time with her.
We've always been really close, but this has brought us even closer.
Being able to help her, pray for her, take care of her, serve her.
It's been an incredible blessing for me.
I probably drove her nuts though! ha!
But for me, It's a time I will always cherish.
Not watching her be in pain. absolutely not that.
But for the time I had with her.
For me learning to rely more on my Savior and feeling his deep and incredible love
for me, Madi and my family.
Being so grateful for the simple things like
Madi sitting up again, seeing her walk again, seeing her smile again, watching her
want to eat again, seeing her get dressed by herself again.
ya know... things I really took for granted.
I love her so much.
She is an amazing and strong young woman.
I am truly blessed.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Just FYI

Have you ever heard of Pandora Radio?
Well, let me tell you about it.
Pandora Radio is an Internet radio.
You can create your own stations and then choose
the music that you want to hear.
And best of all...
It's FREE!!!
Once you pick a station,
Pandora will start playing songs that go along with your station.
If you like the song you're hearing, click the "thumbs up" icon.
Then every time you log in, the music you chose will start playing.
If you can't stand the song, click the "thumbs down" icon.
That song won't be saved to your station.
Cool, huh?!
You can create up to 1000 stations, I think!
I love it!!
You can listen to it at work, while you're crafting, while your cooking, etc!
As long as your computer or laptop is by you,
you'll have access to all the music you love!
and remember,
It's FREE!! :)
Try it out! You'll love it!
(I don't know how to link things yet. Anyone know how?
Please leave me a comment and tell me. I'm a dork.)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pinetop!! Whoo hoo!!

We made it up to Pinetop!!
Can I just say how much we love it up here!
The drive was beautiful but it took a little longer than usual.
We hit this... It started pouring rain!!
Almost to where it was hard to see!

Then we hit this!
A police situation

But we did make it here.


(i don't know why this is now double spacing. ugh!)

The drive up for Madi was pretty good.

She started hurting after a while, but she pulled through like a champ!


This is what we woke up to this morning!
overcast skies, cool temperatures!
We are spoiled!

Soon the clouds opened up

and it started to rain!!

So excited!!!

You can't tell by this picture, but I promise

It's raining!
Then within minutes, it was completely pouring!!!

Check it out!!!!

Love it!!
It even hailed for a minute or two!!
Oh happy day!

I drove up Madi and Luke
and Mike is coming up later this week with Lauren, Boe and Kaley
to celebrate the 4th!
Can't wait!!
Hopefully, I can figure out why I'm such a dope and
find out why the spacing is going crazy on me.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Madi did it!!!

She went to church today!!

We didn't stay very long,

We took the sacrament and

she was done.

She looked cute and felt pretty good.

It was such a blessing to have been able to take the sacrament today.

Last week, 2 boys in our ward, Alex McBride and Conner Ward,

came over to our house after church and gave us the sacrament.

I cried. I was truly humbled.

I will be forever thankful for those two boys

and the service they rendered.

I love my Savior.

I am forever grateful for His atoning sacrifice.


Tomorrow we head back to Phoenix for Madilyn's

first post op appointment.

If he gives us the "OK" we will be headed up to Pinetop

on Tuesday for a few weeks.

Hoping to give Madi a change of scenery.

Remember the two stitches that popped out of Madi's back?

The doctor told me to cut them off!

What the...?

Madi wasn't too sure about that.

Neither was I.

But I did it!!!

The rest got sucked back in and hopefully will

dissolve soon.


We are forever grateful for all the thoughts, prayers and well wishes

from so many.

I wish there was more I could say

or something more I could do to adequately show

our sincere love and appreciation to you all.

My faith has been strengthened.

my testimony grown

because of this trial and because

of all of you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.


P.S. Don't be shy. Please feel free to leave a comment.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Out And About!

We did it!! Yesterday, Madi and I went out!!
We actually got in the car and drove!!
Whoo hoo!!!!
She had a pillow and a bottle of water and we drove!!
And even though it was 112 degrees
It felt awesome!!
We weren't gone very long,
but it was sooooo good to be
out and about!
Now on to our next goal...
church tomorrow.
Not all of it, but at least sacrament.
hopefully! :)
Keep your fingers crossed!
we're so happy!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sweet Relief

It's been just over two weeks since Madi's surgery.
We finally think the worst is over!
Now don't misunderstand...
It's NOT over,
but the nasty, ugly, excruciating pain is just about gone.
Boy are we ever thankful!
Madi is up most of the day now,
she is eating a little more every day,
She is starting to walk, at times, without her walker,
the sparkle in her eyes and her fun personality is slowly coming back!
Her goal is to try and take a ride in the car on Friday and
maybe even go into a store for a few minutes.
We will see. We are hopeful.
It is such a sweet relief to finally see our girl getting back to normal.
Slow and steady wins the race,
Madi doesn't want to post her incision. I don't blame her.
It's long. 14 inches to be exact.
It starts below her neck and goes alllllllllll the way down the center of her back.
Yesterday, as I was looking at it to make sure it was healing ok,
(I have to look at it about 2 or 3 times a day)
I noticed something weird at the bottom of it.
( just so you know, there are absolutely no stitches or staples on the outside of her incision. they are all on the inside. disolvable.)
There was about 2 inches of a stitch that decided it didn't want
to stay inside anymore.
It wasn't there the night before. It just popped out!!!
Are you kidding me right now?!
So I called my go to, on call, favorite pediatrician, neighbor and good friend, Dr. Mousser.
What a lifesaver. He is always coming to our rescue over here.
We love him. We owe him BIG time!!
He came right over and looked at it and said it should be fine.
He said sometimes our bodies will reject them.
What?! weird. whatever.
He said it would either totally fall out or the doctor would just snip it off.
So we covered it with a band aid and called it good.
Today as I was looking at her incision, guess what I found?!
ANOTHER stitch popped out at the TOP of the incision.
Another call to Doc Mousser.
He really must hate me. :)
He told me to call Madi's doctor and let him know and see what he says.
I called, left a message, and am waiting.
I'll let ya know what he says.
It's never a dull moment around here!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

"I'm Hungry!"

She's eating!!!
Whoo hoo!!
Not a ton, but her appetite is coming back!
It's about time. She has hardly eaten a thing in the past 11 days.
She is skin and bones.
She wanted Firehouse Subs.
Whatever she wants, she gets!
By the way, Firehouse Subs
Is soooo yummy!
Have you been?
If not, GO!
If you have, GO AGAIN!!

Today has been really good for Madi!
She still gets worn out fast and has some pain,
but for the most part she seems pretty good!
I hope and pray it lasts.
We've quickly learned that things can change fast with this recovery.
It's annoyingly unpredictable.
It's been exactly 1 week since we've been home from the hospital.
It's been a LONG week.
many ups and many downs.
Madi and I are going kinda crazy.
we're starting to get bored.
(notice the photo below)
We can't wait to get back to normal.
We don't even know what that is.
I don't even know if I remember how to do my hair anymore.
The style of choice, as of late, has been a ponytail.
And not even a cute ponytail.

We can't wait to get back to shopping, going to the movies, swimming, doing our crazy dances together, baking and going up to the cabin.

Here's what we used to look like.

Awh... Those were the days.

I won't post a picture of how we look now.
Don't be upset...
I promise, you'll thank me.
It's not a pretty sight.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


We were able to bring Madi home on Saturday!
One day earlier than expected!
As excited and happy we were to be going home,
we were also absolutely terrified.
What if I wouldn't hear her in the middle of the night?
What if I didn't give her the right meds?
what if I couldn't get her up and moving?
What if I didn't give her the meds on time?
What if, what if, what if?
The ride home was miserable.
She was surrounded by pillows but every little bump made her cringe with pain.
Then the freeway was closed down and we had to take, what seemed like,
a bazillion detours. Mike was so frustrated!!
He knew she was in a lot of pain and he just wanted to get her home.
We had to drop off her prescriptions to be filled.
I was so scared she would need a pill before we got them back.
She did pretty well!
We set her up on the couch with about 8 to 10 pillows.
She's comfortable for a short while and then she needs to be moved.
We have to roll her on her side. Roll her to her back.
Roll her on her side Roll her to her back.
I feel so sorry for her. She can't get comfy.
We have to get her up and moving.
She walks with a walker.
She has almost no energy.
A short walk, makes her very tired.
Her right shoulder is in extreme pain.
She has no appetite and has lost quite a bit of weight
Her incision is healing well but the pain of muscles and tissue healing is sometimes just too much.
(I'll ask Madi if I can put up a picture of her incision and get back with ya)
She can't get up by herself. She can't get back down by herself.
The first 3 days home were very hard.
It's now Thursday and it's been getting a little better.
Not much. But a little.
She sometimes feels a bit sad.
On those extra hard days, Madi and I try to focus on all the progress she has made.
She really has come so far.
Some days are harder than others.
We just have to take it one day at a time.
Sometimes hour by hour or even minute by minute.
There IS a light at the end of the tunnel.
Thank heavens!
Everyday is a journey.
Out of every trial comes a lesson learned
and greater strength recognized.
For now, I try to:
Keep calm and carry on.
Wish me luck!

Friday, June 11, 2010

We'll catch up

I stood and looked out Madi's hospital room window today.
Cars were rushing by, there were people walking down the street, a slight breeze was blowing.
The world was just moving right along...
without us.
I felt a little sad.
She's been having a hard time again.
Then I thought about how there are so many sick kids here.
Way more sick than Madi. I see them everywhere here.
I see the Ronald McDonald House right next door
and thought how sad it must be for the families
that have to call that place home for a while.
I can't even imagine how hard that must be for them.
So even though this week has been hard for Madi
and even though she has a long recovery ahead of her,
we know that at least we will be home soon.
real soon.
So, go ahead world;
Keep moving right along.
'cuz we'll catch up soon.
We are so blessed.

Day 4

(Smiling through the pain)
She had another great night!
I felt so thankful and relieved.
This morning she was talking to me, smiling, and telling me all about the weird dreams she had in the night. Her meds make her loopy!
She actually seemed a little bit like herself!
She took a short nap before her physical therapist came.
She walked pretty far today! She did get sick on some of her pain meds though.
She hates that. It hurts.
but all in all, it was a good morning.
then it happened...
The pain hit her like a ton of bricks!
She takes two steps forward and then 3 giant steps back.
I guess that's to be expected, but it sure is hard to watch.
I want to make it better for her.
I want the pain to just go away.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 2 And 3

These have been the hardest days so far for Madi.
We're trying to manage her pain.
We aren't being too successful.
They've been giving her GREAT pain meds through her IV, And they've worked awesome!!
but now she needs to take them orally, which is fine.
But they take longer to kick in. So there are times when it feels like she's not on any meds at all.
It's heartbreaking for me and Mike.
We can't do anything to make it better except hold her hand and pray.
We're hoping for better days ahead dang it!
There HAVE been some positive things that have happened on these days!
Here's the proof:

She had one of these things in her neck.
It went into her jugular vein and all the way down by her heart.

But on day 2...She got that annoying thing out!

See how long it is?!!!


She's up, baby!!!
With the help of her Physical therapist, Amy, she took a little, and I mean a little walk!
She is sooo brave!! This was so painful for her.
But she did it!
Every step she takes is one closer to getting home!!
Way to go, mads!
Hoping for a better day tomorrow!
Wish her luck!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Straight As An Arrow!

These x-rays were taken in the O.R. by Dr. White.
This is madi's spine with 24, count 'em, go ahead, 24 screws in it!
They aren't little. They are humongous!!!
Are you kidding me right now?!
See how crooked it is? Gross, huh?
Now, here is her spine, untwisted and moved to the center, with 24 screws and 2 rods.
AMAZING isn't it?!!

Isn't it gorgeous??!!
Straight as an arrow!!
we LOVE it!!
By the way... She just grew at LEAST an inch!! Maybe even more!!
Just a little perk!
hee hee.


Warning!!! Kind of a long post! :)

Here is Madi right before we left for the hospital @ 4:45 a.m. That's right...A.M.
( Please don't be a hater on how we all look. It was DANG early!! )

But I must say, Madi always looks beautiful!

Right before we left, we woke up the other kids to have a family prayer.
I'm sure they were thrilled to be woken up at 4:30.

The drive to Phoenix Children's was quiet. Too quiet.

Madi was deep in thought. I think it finally hit her.

I was nervous and sick to my stomach.

Mike was calm, cool and collected. He was cracking his dumb, cheesy jokes, and of course, he was the only one who was laughing at them. Gosh, I love that guy! :)

Once we were at the hospital we all mellowed out and felt calm. See people...Prayers really work! Madi's pre-op nurse was Sherri. She was awesome! Everyone here has been. Sherri was cute with Madi and made her feel so comfortable. She made Madi get dressed in the oh so stylish hospital garb. Lovely. She also had to wear some sweet looking tights!

Here's Madi being her cute, fun self posing for the camera in her to-die-for new outfit! The girl amazes me! She can still manage to have a good time no matter what her circumstances are! Man, I love her!

Here are a few shots for your viewing pleasure. Mike and I hamming it up with Mad dog while waiting to go back to surgery (for those of you that don't know, that is one of her many nicknames)

Here is her anesthesiologist, Dr. Serlin. A surgery patient's best friend! Can I just say how much we love him? Ok, good...We soooooo love him!!! He called the house the night before to talk with Mike and me and Madi. He just wanted to make sure we all knew that he was going to make sure that Madilyn was comfortable and, most importantly, SAFE! Then the morning of surgery he was just sweet and kind to her. Makes a mom feel so good when other people treat their kids with tenderness and respect.

The picture below is of him giving Madi some meds that would help her relax.

Look at her face. She looks pretty serious.

Now look at her... post meds.
That stuff made her soooo happy!!! She couldn't stop laughing!!
I have to say, it was quite entertaining!

And here is the miracle worker... Dr White.

He's been Madi's doctor for 5 1/2 long years.

He's super hysterical and uber talented in the spinal fusion field.

The best, if you ask me!

Oh, get this, he's also in a band!!! WHAT?!

Whatever, who cares! We love him!!!

While we were in pre-op, Dr. White came in and talked with Madi and, of course, I had to take their picture. I know... I'm crazy. After the picture, he asked us if we wanted him to take pictures in the O.R. of her surgery!!! I was like, ummmm... I don't know if Madi would want that. and no sooner had I said that, Madi piped up and said, " YEAH!!! DO IT!!!! " Alrighty then!! So, Dr. white took these really amazing pictures of her!! I won't post them here. They are kind of graphic. Super cool, but graphic. If you want to see them ( family only, please) let me know and I'll email them to ya.

I'm gonna post again later today and show you the pictures Dr. White took of the x-rays of madi's back before the rods were in and after. All I can say is AMAZING!!

Thanks again for all the love, prayers, thoughts and service. We really feel so thankful and blessed.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

'Twas The Night Before Surgery

Last night was a busy but special night. Madi couldn't eat after midnight and won't be eating much, if anything, for a while. So we asked her what she wanted for her last meal for the week.
She chose...
(Good choice madi!)
Then later, around 9:15, grandpa Danny and grandma Eldene came over to help Mike give her a blessing.
It was a beautiful blessing.
Tears were shed.
I love my husband more than words can say.
I'm grateful for men who faithfully honor their priesthood.
We have truly felt the love of our Savior.
We have felt the prayers of so many people.
It's a humbling experience to see the love that has been shown and the service that has been given to madi and our family.
We are so very, very, thankful.
Our cute neighbor, Pam, was nice enough to stay up late and french braid madi's hair for her so it wouldn't bug her during her stay at the hospital.
She looks super cute!! :)
Thanks, Pam!!!
By then, it was about 10:45 pm and I still had many things to do.
I walked out to the kitchen and Madi was sitting at the the table.
She was nervous.
She couldn't sleep.
I couldn't either.
My mind was racing.
She finally hit the hay about 11:30-ish.
Me, 12:30.
It was a long day.
But not as long as tomorrow will be.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Our Madi Girl

I've been going back and forth, trying to decide if I wanted to ever really start a blog.
But now... I've decided.
Our 14 year old, is going in for Spinal Fusion surgery tomorrow.
I want to be able to share with family and friends about her recovery.
I can't promise I'll post everyday, every week, or every month.
But for a while, I will be here.
Documenting about madi and our family.
I'm not a great writer. I don't have a quick wit.
But I really feel I need to do this.

Please say prayers for Madilyn. It's going to be a long summer!
She's in good spirits and doesn't seem to be nervous at all!
She's a trooper!
Unlike her mother, who's a nervous wreck!! :)
Stay tuned for more updates and maybe pictures, if I can figure this dumb thing out!

Here We Go!

I finally decided to start this thing called blogging. Am I crazy?! well, come along for the ride if you want. I can't promise you rainbows and unicorns, but it will definitely be real life. OUR real life. So, hang on! Here we go!