Monday, June 7, 2010

Our Madi Girl

I've been going back and forth, trying to decide if I wanted to ever really start a blog.
But now... I've decided.
Our 14 year old, is going in for Spinal Fusion surgery tomorrow.
I want to be able to share with family and friends about her recovery.
I can't promise I'll post everyday, every week, or every month.
But for a while, I will be here.
Documenting about madi and our family.
I'm not a great writer. I don't have a quick wit.
But I really feel I need to do this.

Please say prayers for Madilyn. It's going to be a long summer!
She's in good spirits and doesn't seem to be nervous at all!
She's a trooper!
Unlike her mother, who's a nervous wreck!! :)
Stay tuned for more updates and maybe pictures, if I can figure this dumb thing out!


  1. She is soo, soo cute. I love Madi! I love the plowmans.
    My thoughts are with you !!!

  2. Our prayers are with you all!!!!

    Take Care.
