Friday, June 11, 2010

We'll catch up

I stood and looked out Madi's hospital room window today.
Cars were rushing by, there were people walking down the street, a slight breeze was blowing.
The world was just moving right along...
without us.
I felt a little sad.
She's been having a hard time again.
Then I thought about how there are so many sick kids here.
Way more sick than Madi. I see them everywhere here.
I see the Ronald McDonald House right next door
and thought how sad it must be for the families
that have to call that place home for a while.
I can't even imagine how hard that must be for them.
So even though this week has been hard for Madi
and even though she has a long recovery ahead of her,
we know that at least we will be home soon.
real soon.
So, go ahead world;
Keep moving right along.
'cuz we'll catch up soon.
We are so blessed.


  1. Lori, Such beautiful and true thoughts. I love you all. Hope this is a good day for Madi.

  2. Madi- So happy to hear you are doing great!
    You are beautiful!!!
    Great posts, Lori.
