It's been just over two weeks since
Madi's surgery.
We finally think the worst is over!
Now don't misunderstand...
It's NOT over,
but the nasty, ugly, excruciating pain is just about gone.
Boy are we ever thankful!
Madi is up most of the day now,
she is eating a little more every day,
She is starting to walk, at times, without her walker,
the sparkle in her eyes and her fun personality is slowly coming back!
Her goal is to try and take a ride in the car on Friday and
maybe even go into a store for a few minutes.
We will see. We are hopeful.
It is such a sweet relief to finally see our girl getting back to normal.
Slow and steady wins the race,
Madi doesn't want to post her incision. I don't blame her.
It's long. 14 inches to be exact.
It starts below her neck and goes alllllllllll the way down the center of her back.
Yesterday, as I was looking at it to make sure it was healing ok,
(I have to look at it about 2 or 3 times a day)
I noticed something weird at the bottom of it.
( just so you know, there are absolutely no stitches or staples on the outside of her incision. they are all on the inside. disolvable.)
There was about 2 inches of a stitch that decided it didn't want
to stay inside anymore.
It wasn't there the night before. It just popped out!!!
Are you kidding me right now?!
So I called my go to, on call, favorite pediatrician, neighbor and good friend, Dr. Mousser.
What a lifesaver. He is always coming to our rescue over here.
We love him. We owe him BIG time!!
He came right over and looked at it and said it should be fine.
He said sometimes our bodies will reject them.
What?! weird. whatever.
He said it would either totally fall out or the doctor would just snip it off.
So we covered it with a band aid and called it good.
Today as I was looking at her incision, guess what I found?!
ANOTHER stitch popped out at the TOP of the incision.
Another call to Doc Mousser.
He really must hate me. :)
He told me to call Madi's doctor and let him know and see what he says.
I called, left a message, and am waiting.
I'll let ya know what he says.
It's never a dull moment around here!